Israeli Company Creates Solar-Panel Windows To Power Buildings
Pythagoras Solar develops windows with built-in solar panels that increase energy efficiency and renewable power generation for buildings. The solar cells, based on patent-pending optical technology, are adaptable and can be installed in almost any kind of window.
March 20, 2012

Hockey Players Use Israeli Air Force Brain Technology
Muscles can be toned, endurance can be refined, leadership qualities can be taught. But how do you train a hockey player's brain? Can a coach work the areas of a player's brain responsible for awareness and intuition? The Israeli Air Force, of all people, has the answer.
March 19, 2012

High-Tech Helps Grow Fruit And Veg In Israeli Desert
How can tomatoes and peppers grow in the desert? Israeli scientists are using sophisticated electric sensors that measure moisture to provide the proper balance for the produce – and can even send the readings to smartphones.
March 19, 2012

Researchers Find Brain’s On/Off Switch For Stress Regulation
Israeli scientists made a step towards understanding the way stress impacts our health and how to regulate it. A new research reveals an on/off mechanism that can regulate the release of cortisol in the brain. The findings might be useful to understand pathological states of chronic stress – that lead to anxiety disorders and depression.
March 16, 2012

Israel, Iran, Jordan And Turkey In Joint Science Project
Israel, Iran, Jordan and Turkey are to jointly provide funds for a particle accelerator as part of their commitment to a UNESCO-sponsored scientific project. Each country will contribute $5 million for the facility near Amman.
March 15, 2012

92-Y-old Scientist Develops Kit To Identify Deadly Bacteria
A 92-year-old scientist developed a kit that can detect the presence of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. The kit, which will be launched in Europe, also offers immediate information on the type of antibiotic that might still work.
March 15, 2012

GroupShot: Swap Your Face To Get The Perfect Picture
GroupShot is an Israeli-developed app that gives you a chance to make everyone look their best. The app selects the best parts from two or more pictures and integrates them into one perfect group shot.
March 14, 2012

Invention: Paper Made From Sewage
For decades we have been using notebooks said to be produced from "woodless paper". A new Israeli invention is making it possible to produce "scentless paper" – from drain water. Applied CleanTech has developed a system capable of turning stinking sewage into a renewable and profitable source of energy.
March 14, 2012

New App Brings Album Sleeve Into the Digital Era
iAlbums is an iPhone app that aims to bring a little bit of that old school feeling of buying a record, a casette tape, or even CD. Developed in Israel, the app allows users to listen to music with the additional features of looking up lyrics and reading reviews and artist interviews
March 13, 2012

Will Sea Anemone Contribute To Human Organ Repair?
Israeli scientists will establish a center to study the sea anemone Nematostella, which has the ability to regenerate its body parts. Researchers are hopeful this sea creature will contribute to the development of drugs that can speed rehabilitation of damaged organs.
March 13, 2012

Trendit: Mapping Population Movements Through Mobile Signals
Israeli startup Trendit provides real-time traffic and demographic data, using a simple tool - our mobile signals. The company’s People Analytics tool allows businesses to characterize the type of customers who pass by their stores, as well as length of stay.
March 12, 2012

Drippler Keeps Your Gadgets Up To Date
An Israeli startup called Drippler wants to give your sophisticated devices that have been shelved for being a little outdated another opportunity to shine. The app provides personalized updates for your devices - be it a smartphone, tablet or MP3 players.
March 11, 2012

Explosives As A Means To Create, Not To Destroy
A young Israeli artist found a way to turn his creative process into a blast. Literarily. BLAST is an innovative project by Guy Mishaly, who uses explosives to make unique stools. The graduate of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design ensures that this way, no two items are ever the same.
March 08, 2012

Scientists Use Seaweed To Produce Biofuel
Israeli researchers are developing methods for growing and harvesting seaweed as a source of renewable energy. Not only can it be grown along coastlines, it can also clear the water of excessive nutrients caused by human waste or aquaculture.
March 07, 2012

Israeli Web App Helps You Do Your Homework In Less Time
sCoolWork is a free Israeli web application for students having trouble with their homework, with tools such as a search filter, text editor and grammar-check. Application developers ensure that sCoolWork will save its users time and improve their grades.
March 07, 2012