Super High-Res Image Can Spot ‘Waldo’ In Any Mass Event
Fanograph offers a new tagging experience using an advanced technology for multi billion pixel and 360° panoramic images of crowds. Participants of mass events can easily identify themselves in the crowd, tag their friends and share their experience with thousands of people.
June 04, 2012

Childhood Maltreatment Linked To Unstable Romantic Relationships
Children who suffered from emotional maltreatment are more likely to have problematic romantic relationships as adults, a new study suggests. Researchers from Ben Gurion University in Israel says self-criticism negatively impacts their overall relationship satisfaction.
June 04, 2012

Street Philharmonic Puts Street Musicians On Stage
Ze-Ze is an Israeli social organization that took interest in street musicians and decided to bring them together to play as a group with a steady income. The Israeli street philharmonic has already given two concerts, with participation of local musicians.
June 03, 2012

Treating Cancer With AIDS
Researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem developed a new method to treat cancer using a protein extracted from the HIV virus. This protein can prevent the restoration of cancerous cells damaged by radiation therapy.
June 03, 2012

Defense System Converted To Medical Device That Saves Lives
A system that was developed in Israel to monitor faults in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles has been transformed by researchers into a medical device that can alert anesthesiologist if their patients are in distress. The system, based on a unique algorithm, was registered as patent.
May 31, 2012

Wink To Call Your Mother, Blink To Hang-Up
Israeli startup Umoove created a hands-free solution for mobile devices. Their algorithm, using the mobile camera, can detect facial and eye movements in real time and operate functions such as dialing or launching applications.
May 30, 2012

Cleantech: Generating Power From Water To Detect Pipe Leaks
HydroSpin developed micro-generators that use the flow of water within pipelines to develop electricity. The power generated is then used for monitors and devices that detect leakages or bursts.
May 30, 2012

Technion Researchers Improve Microscope Resolution Tenfold
Israeli researchers developed an algorithm that improves the resolution of microscopes and imaging systems, without making any hardware changes. The researchers hope that the method they developed could pave the way to measurement of dynamically changing molecules.
May 29, 2012

Intel Eyes Mobile Devices That Mimic The Human Brain
Intel is launching research in Israel into technology that mimics the human brain and develops devices that learn about their user. “Despite their name, smartphones are rather dumb devices. My smartphone doesn’t know anything more about me than when I got it. All of these devices will come to know us as individuals."
May 27, 2012

Medical Leap: High-Res Images Of Blood To Replace Needles In Blood Tests
A new non-invasive blood test developed in Israel promises a rapid, pain-free diagnoses of our blood-cells, using a unique optical microscope. By shining a light through the skin, the test can instantly provide results such as blood count.
May 26, 2012

Israeli Agro-Experts To Assist India’s Crop Production
Israeli agricultural experts are expected to help their Indian counterparts in forming centers of excellence focused on optimizing crop production. The Israeli farmers will export knowledge of post-harvest management, cold storage technology, packaging and dairy products.
May 24, 2012

New 3D Digital Guide To Help Parents Go Through Pregnancy
40weeks is a 3D digital guide that aims to provide parents with all the information relevant to pregnancy, following the development of the fetus week by week. It is soon to be launched in Israel and then as an international version, and is accessible via the internet or as a mobile application.
May 24, 2012

Israeli Breakthrough: Scientists Repair Heart Through Skin Cells
Israeli scientists for the first time succeeded in transforming the skin cells of heart-failure patients into healthy heart-muscle cells, using stem cell therapy. The method was tested in rats, suggesting that it may be possible to repair an organ with one’s own tissue.
May 23, 2012

Israeli Technology To Bring Internet To Rural China
Israeli company Alvarion has set up a wi-fi network that will allow residents in the most out-of-reach areas in China to connect to the internet. Alvarion has partnered with China’s Beijing Huasun Unicreate to install a total of 10,000 base stations in Liaoning province.
May 23, 2012

Excess Weight During Pregnancy Affects Children’s Health
A new study found a direct correlation between excess weight during pregnancy and higher risks of life-threatening conditions in their children, such as high blood pressure and high sugar and fat levels in the blood.
May 22, 2012