‘Mini Farms’ By Israel’s Livingbox Wins Top Prize For Best Project To Feed Third World
An Israeli-developed “mini-farm” that can grow vegetables anywhere with a self-sustaining “closed loop” of energy and nutrition and help feed a billion needy people has won a prize as the most promising project to help developing countries improve their economies.
June 30, 2014
Is Israel At Risk Of Losing Its ‘Startup Nation’ Title?
Proponents of the Startup Nation usually like to see the glass half full, but following a recent talk by Shai Agassi and Yanki Margalit entitled 'Startup Nation 2.0', it's clear that some entrepreneurs view Israeli innovation with the glass half-empty perspective.
June 17, 2014
Fiverr Makes Its ‘Gig Economy’ More Accessible With Mobile App
Israeli company Fiverr, which offers a $5 marketplace for various goods and services (called "gigs") has launched its mobile app. Now, you can browse through their gig index from your smartphone and book the gig you like.
December 22, 2013