Sniffing Out Cancer: Israeli Prof. Finds Diseases Like Cancer And Parkinson’s Can Be Detected On The Breath
Led by Israeli Prof. Hossam Haick, an international team of researchers proved that many diseases can be detected by "smelling" a patient's breath.
January 16, 2017
‘Sweet’ Success For Israeli Researchers In The Treatment And Early Detection Of Diabetes
As diabetes grows more rampant and threatens to affect one in three Americans in less than four decades, it is no wonder that extensive research is being done to treat and prevent the condition. In Israel, two researchers have made significant advancement in treating type I and detecting type II diabetes.
April 29, 2014
Schizophrenia Can Be Detected Through Tissue Samples From The Nose, Research Shows
Until today, schizophrenia could only be physically diagnosed after a patient's death. For the first time, Israeli researchers have found a way to biologically detect schizophrenia by analyzing tissue from the patient's nose.
May 09, 2013
Study: CT Scans Less Effective Than MD Exams In Diagnosis
Examining patients and taking a medical history is more useful to hospital doctors in diagnosing patients than high-tech CT scans, according to a study from Israel. Doctors said that such tests given right after patients showed up in emergency rooms only helped with diagnosis in roughly one of three cases
August 23, 2011