‘HelpAround’ App Helps Diabetics Find Immediate Help In A Crowd
With one in ten people suffering from diabetes in the US, it isn't too hard to find a diabetic in the crowd – a fact that can come in handy when someone with diabetes requires urgent medical assistance. Israeli app HelpAround was created to help these people find each other – and offer assistance in a time of need.
June 18, 2014

‘The Waze of Agriculture’ Aids Farmers Around The World With Crowdsourced Data
How frustrating would it be if the success of your business was dependent on the forces of nature? Well, for millions of farmers worldwide – that is reality. Israeli app AgriTask uses data gathered from many farmers to give single farmers an advantage over mother nature.
April 06, 2014

goFlow: Big Wave Rider Ian Walsh Joins Former Israeli Women’s Surf Champ To Launch Global Surfing App
Any surfer will tell you the most frustrating thing is for weather forecast to predict a flat sea, only for you to miss awesome waves. That's why a former pro surfer launched a kickin' surfing app, which uses crowdsourcing to ensure surfers never miss a wave.
March 31, 2014

KiddyUp: The Crowdsourcing App That Makes Parenting Easier, And Cheaper
Parents to young kids are dream consumers: They generally spare little to get their kids the best of everything, from diapers, to baby clothes and after school activities. Israeli app KiddyUp uses the best source available to help cut costs – other parents.
March 18, 2014

The Next Waze? Social Public Transportation App Moovit Raises $28M
Israeli startup Moovit, which developed an app that uses crowdsourcing to help users plan travel-routes using public transportation, has raised $28 million. The company is already active in Israel and in more than 100 cities around the world.
December 19, 2013

Waze Founder’s ‘FeeX’ Raises $3M To Help You Avoid Hidden Retirement Fees
When it comes to managing your retirement funds, many people are in the dark and simply trust whichever pension plan their employer offers. However, there is often a better option, and Israeli startup Feex’s Sucker Meter can help you find it
August 28, 2013

Israeli Public Transportation App ‘Moovit’ Takes On The Big Apple
If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Israeli app moovit, which uses crowdsourcing to help people plan their public transportation route, has recently launched in New York City, helping the dwellers of the Big Apple travel more efficiently.
February 12, 2013

Israeli App Waze Helped Manage Post-Sandy Gas Shortages
When gas trucks were sent out to handle the shortage caused by Sandy, the main challenge facing the FEMA was prioritizing the numerous deliveries needed. The solution came from Israeli crowdsourcing navigation app Waze.
November 13, 2012

Company Uses The Power Of The People To Keep Your Credit Card Bill Fraud-Free
BillGuard, an Israeli startup that helps people fight credit card fraud by using "the wisdom of the crowds," was recently introduced to the public, after it receives an initial funding of $3 million from American investor funds.
May 02, 2011