For Babies Allergic To Cow’s Milk, Israelis Develop World’s First Vegetable-Based Formula
Concerned with rate of milk and soy allergies among infants, Israeli baby food execs finally stumbled upon the right veggie-based mix.
November 25, 2014

The Upside Of Suburbia: Green Spaces Found To Significantly Increase Child’s Birth Weight
Mothers who live near green spaces deliver babies with significantly higher birth weights, according to a new study by Ben Gurion University.
August 25, 2014

Israeli Research Finds Parents’ Interrupted Sleep Is The Equivalent Of No Sleep At All
New parents know the feeling - the familiar cry in the night, followed by a blind shuffle to the crib, a feeding, a diaper change, and a final retreat back into oblivion, every hour. Now research from Tel Aviv University finds that the interrupted sleep patterns of new parents could have a much more wearisome toll than previously thought.
July 14, 2014

Meet Doona, The Foldable Car Seat That Turns Into A Stroller!
An Israeli industrial designer has solved a problem many parents encounter when they take their babies for a ride: the need to pack both a car seat and a stroller into the car.
June 02, 2014

KiddyUp: The Crowdsourcing App That Makes Parenting Easier, And Cheaper
Parents to young kids are dream consumers: They generally spare little to get their kids the best of everything, from diapers, to baby clothes and after school activities. Israeli app KiddyUp uses the best source available to help cut costs – other parents.
March 18, 2014

Israeli Hospital Becomes World-Famous Center For Fertilization Procedures
Due to it's policy of unlimited in vitro fertilization procedures, Israel has become the nation with the highest per-capita babies born that way. Discover Asuta Hospital in Tel Aviv, one of the busiest fertilization clinics in the world.
August 10, 2011

Kindergarten Science: Israeli Startup Helps You Find Best Match For Your Child
Long journeys around the block, endless conversations with neighbors and friends, comparing information and prices; the search for the perfect kindergarten for our tiny loved ones can often be rather unbearable. Infogan, a new internet-based platform, is designed to ease the search process.
July 05, 2011

Israeli Startup Invents Mechanism to Keep Your Strollers Safe
The idea that your baby's stroller could suddenly roll down a hill at a dizzying speed is every mother's worst nightmare. The same fear often grips people in wheelchairs or gurneys. A new Israeli startup has come up with a simple invention that limits the speed of a stroller's or wheelchair's wheels.
June 28, 2011

Autism Can Be Discovered At Early Stage, Israeli Study Shows
(Reuters) - Researchers studying autistic toddlers have discovered their brain activity appears to be out of sync at a very early stage -- a finding that sheds light on the biology of the condition and might help in earlier diagnosis.
June 26, 2011

Computer Program That Could Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Students from Ben Gurion University in Israel have developed Baby Beat, a software that interprets changes in skin tone and measures a baby’s heartbeat. The software will be used to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, of which thousands of babies still die every year.
June 19, 2011

Special Keyboard Allows Toddlers To Use Computer And Internet
An Israeli couple created Jumboard, a four-buttoned keyboard that “sits” on your existing laptop keyboard and allows toddlers and the disabled to play games that helps their development while keeping them entertained.
May 11, 2011