Joint Israel-UAE Water Research Institute To Launch In Abu Dhabi
The institute will be backed by Israeli water from air company Watergen and the UAE's Baynunah and work closely with Tel Aviv University.
June 17, 2021
Israel Signs 1st Agreement With UAE, Expects Deals On Tourism, Trade, Tech
An Israeli delegation was in the UAE this week, accompanied by a US delegation led by Jared Kushner, to advance cooperation agreements.
September 01, 2020
971 And 972: El Al Lists Historic Israel-UAE Flight As Delegations Head To Abu Dhabi
Israeli and US delegations will take off Monday abroad the first commercial flight direct to Abu Dhabi for talks on Israel-UAE normalization.
August 30, 2020
In First, Israeli Pro Cycling Team Races In UAE Tour
The race began Sunday and will unfold over the next week, crossing all seven of the United Arab Emirates.
February 23, 2020