
Middle Eastern Graduate Students Unite Over Shared Ecosystem
Twelve marine and environmental studies graduate students from the Middle East and Europe are taking part in a two-week Mediterranean research project off the shores of La Spezia, Italy, to protect the unique ecosystem shared by countries that might not typically have relations.
June 23, 2011

New Green Apps Introduced By Israeli Students
Israeli students are putting their heads together to create green smart-phone applications that will help environmental causes. Their apps will presented at a clean-tech exhibit in July.
June 13, 2011

Israel’s First Giant Solar Field To Power Several Towns
Israel last week presented its first giant commercial solar field that will power three villages in the Arava desert. The energy supplied by the panels will be equal to 7 percent of the energy needs of the town of Eilat, one of Israel's biggest resort towns, according to the Arava Power Company.
June 12, 2011

New Superheroes In Kids Animated Series Are All About Saving The Environment
Amir and Liat Shahar- Israeli kindergarten teacher and Yoga instructor present a very unique way of educating about the environment. In about a year or so they are planning to release an international animated series, named Leafers.
June 11, 2011

Israeli Startup Invents Laser Beam To Monitor Tiniest Particles In Water And Oil
Israeli company Particle Monitoring Technologies (PML) has come up with a dark laser beam that can monitor, separate and identify the tiniest particles in water, cement and fuel, to help ensure higher standards of water purification and a reduction in CO2 emissions.
May 31, 2011

Israeli Computerized “Spiders” To Improve Wind Turbines
Why is an Israeli device that resembles a computerized spider attracting international attention in the field of alternative energy? As Bob Dylan might put it,“the answer is blowing in the wind.”
May 29, 2011

New City-Wide Bike Rental Project Starts In Tel Aviv
For Tel Aviv-Jaffa residents and workers sick of skyrocketing gasoline prices and incessant traffic jams, the introduction of a new city-wide pilot bike-rental project this month couldn't have come at a better time.
May 28, 2011

New, Chemical-Free Way To Clean Water Developed In Israel
For most of us who grew up in developed countries, clean water is a given, not something we've ever given much thought. Yet in the United States alone, an estimate of 7 million tons of chemicals are being used in order to clean water every year. What effect do these chemicals have on us and on the environment?
May 21, 2011

Israel: New Robots To Pick Only Ripest Fruits And Veg
Israel's Ben-Gurion University gets $1.3 million grant to help develop ‘Clever Robots for Crops' that will harvest only the ripest fruits and vegetables.
May 16, 2011

Is Eating Fish Unhealthy?
While eating fish is considered healthy, the effects of mercury - a metal which accumulates in the body - are not and can include damage to the nervous system and liver functions. A new Israeli study shows where all this mercury comes from.
May 04, 2011

Israel Golf Courses Use Salt Water To Help Environment
Israel's top golf club is always thinking of new ways to save water. The club even imported a type of grass from beaches on South Africa's and Australia's borders, with grass roots that can grow strong even when sprinkled with salt water.
May 02, 2011

Israel Opens First Hotel For Flowers!
A hotel for orchids recently opened in Israel, with all the accommodations and pampering treatments this flower loves. The stay costs approximately $0.60 per night, leaving the flower owners feeling confident when they go away on holiday.
May 01, 2011

Israeli Purification Techonolgy Chosen By Peru To Clean Its Sewages
An Israeli cleantech company will be providing water purifying systems to Peru and is in talks to do the same in England and South Africa after it invented a unique floating device.
April 27, 2011

The Truth About Bees And Their Love For Sweets
As children, we read stories about bees which taught us to believe that the stingy creatures are only attracted to the sweet nectar of flowers. It turns out that some types of bees just prefer good old plain fruits and vegetables, which makes them invaluable for farmers.
April 26, 2011

Young Israeli Innovators Win NASA Competition For Great Innovations
Three Israeli innovators are among 80 people worldwide to be awarded a scholarship to a prestigious NASA graduate program, which will assist the students in executing initiatives aimed at dealing with the pressing world challenges.
April 17, 2011