
Turning Trash Into Energy: HomeBiogas Generates Fuel From Organic Waste
HomeBiogas, which converts waste into cooking gas, reached its crowd-funding goal in less than 24 hours!
December 06, 2015

Parasite Genetically Related To Jellyfish Could Defy Everything We Know About Animals
"These micro-jellyfish expand our basic understanding of what makes up an animal," Israeli researchers say.
December 02, 2015

Reducing Global Warming: Israel Presenting Solar Energy Solutions At UN Climate Change Conference
A 50-person Israeli delegation is in Paris this week, exhibiting the next generation of solar energy, which could help the world reduce global warming.
November 29, 2015

Israeli Diver-Photographer Noam Kortler Wins Prestigious Underwater Picture Award
"It's the Oscars of underwater photography," says Kortler, who waited four years to capture the perfect photo of a whale!
November 11, 2015

New Study Shows Sunscreen Destroys Coral Reefs
Though it protects us against skin cancer, sunscreen could be killing off the world's precious coral reefs.
October 26, 2015

In Face Of Global Shortage, World Leaders Praise Israel’s Water Technologies At WATEC Conference
25,000 participants from around the world are attending this week's WATEC conference, to learn from Israeli prowess in water purification and conservation.
October 15, 2015

By 3D-Printing Solar Panels, Israeli Startup Utilight Significantly Cuts Renewable Energy Cost
3D printing has taken the world by storm and one Israeli startup is using this tech to produce affordable solar panels.
October 13, 2015

These Israeli Companies Fight World Hunger With Innovative Technologies
Israeli companies are striving to ensure food security throughout the world. NoCamels highlights five major Israeli technologies that could end world hunger.
September 21, 2015

Israel Inks Deal To Provide Water Technologies To Drought-Ridden Southern California
Los Angeles County has signed a deal with the Startup Nation to bring Israeli technology to solve its water crisis.
September 20, 2015

Following Israel’s Most Devastating Sandstorm, Eyes Are On Air Pollution App BreezoMeter
The dust has sunk for now, but that doesn't mean pollution isn't all around us. That's what Israeli app BreezoMeter is for.
September 17, 2015

Israeli Researcher Heads Team That Discovers One Of The Oldest Galaxies In The Universe
Knowledge of the universe was shaken when a team led by Israeli Adi Zitrin discovered the oldest and most distant galaxy in the known universe.
September 16, 2015

Evogene’s Gene-Based Insecticide Is Protecting Plants The Natural Way
A gene-based insecticide developed by Israeli agritech firm Evogene might be the solution to fight off nasty pests that eat away at our food.
September 08, 2015

Internet of Bees: Intel Tech Puts Backpacks On Bees To Track World Bee Collapse
To understand why honeybee populations are on the decline, engineers at Intel creating tiny backpacks that will be fitted on bees to track their movements.
September 03, 2015

Chameleons’ Eyes Can’t Look In Two Directions At Once, Research Shows
New research from Israel sheds light on chameleons' unique ability to move their eyes in different directions.
August 30, 2015

Israeli Farm Seakura Produces New Superfood: Organic Seaweed Grown Outside The Sea!
One serving of this superfood boasts double the amount of protein, iron, and fiber than found in dried seaweed harvested from ocean water.
August 26, 2015