By Translation by Alexandra Man

Israel Inst. Of Technology Creates Snake Robots
In a recently released Youtube clip, Israel's Institute of Technology displays of some of its new works: A robotic snake, a self-driving motorcycle, a wall-climbing robot and various other artificial intelligence demonstrations. 'Robots will integrate our daily lives in the next few years,' says researcher.
September 04, 2011

Israeli Chip To Enable Car-To-Car Communication And Prevent Accidents
While there are already some technological solutions like apps that can help drivers avoid traffic jams, one solution is taking assisted driving to a whole new level. Israeli start-up Autotalks connects your cars to each other and the road to prevent accidents.
August 01, 2011

For Customer Service, Don’t Dial Anything!
How long does it take you, approximately, to reach the right extension while calling a service center? An Israeli team had enough of waiting, listening to extension numbers and dialing them, and came up with the Zappix mobile app, your customer service call center savior.
July 25, 2011

Israeli App Testing Company Turns From Google And Microsoft To Startups
A new service provides international testers to check apps and prepare a full report of bugs identified in 48 hours. The service is mainly targeted at early stage start-ups that develop apps for smartphones.
April 09, 2011

Israeli And Palestinian “Technology Geeks” Join Forces At Competition
Israeli and Palestinian geeks joined forces to build web and mobile applications in only 54 hours at Start-Up Weekend. 125 entrepreneurs, developers, designers and investors gathered recently to create 10 different applications with commercial viability.
March 12, 2011

New Search Engine Says It Will Do To Video What Google Did For Text
Search engines are getting smarter by the minute- after Google’s revolution in text based sites, a new kind of search engine uses patent-pending computer vision algorithms that can actually see the video’s content.
February 20, 2011

Israeli University Gets 5M$ To Develop “Eternal Shelf Time” Battery
“Silicon-Air Battery” is the name given to the new kind of environmentally friendly battery. The grant will be used to build an array of energy storage solutions and developing durable, expendable batteries.
February 10, 2011