By Sophie Imas

Arab-Israeli Tech Pioneer Hans Shakur Talks Coexistence And The Lesser Known Sides Of The Startup Nation
Hans Shakur began his road to the tech world as a pharmacist, but since his 'induction' 15 years ago, this Arab-Israeli visionary has kept himself busy thinking of new ways to engage the web and society.
September 17, 2014

‘Treatment-Resistant’ Tumors Might Be Treatable After All, Hebrew University Shows
When an anti-cancer drug is administered in a patient, there is no surefire way to know it'll work – or if the cancer is resistant to it. A new study at the Hebrew University may change that with a way of figuring out if a tumor is resistant beforehand.
May 18, 2014

10 Amazing Female Israeli Tech Leaders Who Put Quality In Equality
James Brown once said "this is a man's world," but as these 10 Israeli women show, that couldn't be further from the truth. NoCamels has sifted through the startup nation to bring you the top ten key female figures in Israel's tech scene.
May 12, 2014

Will Tesla’s Driverless Car Be Powered By Israel’s Mobileye Technology?
Premium electric car manufacturer Tesla is reportedly using Israeli company Mobileye's technology to launch driverless cars within a decade. Mobileye's system can identify the proximity of other vehicles, as well as other possible collision triggers.
April 23, 2014

Israeli Researcher Makes Important Brain Cancer Discovery After Mother Dies Of The Disease
Israeli researcher Dr. Regina Golan-Gertsl was already researching cancer, but when she lost her mother to brain cancer – she focused her efforts to find a cure and has now made a breakthrough discovery.
April 16, 2014

Key-Change: Meet The Kickstarter Project That Will Guard Your Keys
Have you ever had your keys get tangled up with some thread in your pocket? How about scratching something accidentally? Luckily, Israeli company Panny has created a sleek, stylish and multi-usage key case that can solve our keychain woes.
April 01, 2014

Music For Medicine: How Musicians Are Easing The Pain Of Patients
"Music has charms to soothe a savage breast," said playwright William Congreve – and as it turns out – it can also heal a broken spirit. Twice a week one guitarist and one flutist use their music to ease the pain of patients, as part of NGO Haverut's activities.
March 19, 2014

3D Printing: How The Technology Brings Energy And Hope To The Third World
Much of the world's future will be shaped by 3D printers and at the forefront of that industry is Israeli-American company Stratasys. Several eco-friendly companies are using Stratasys' technology to 3D print energy sources for third-world countries.
February 28, 2014

Israel Launches World’s First Accelerator For Startups That Benefit The Disabled
Accelerators usually focus on startups they believe will strike it big, fast. But PresenTense has decided to apply its expertise in the field to launch an accelerator that will groom startups that address the needs of people with disabilities.
February 18, 2014

Researchers Shed Light On Depression By Curing Depressed, Stressed-Out Mice
This fact surprised us too, but according to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. While previous studies focused on the brain's neurons to find treatments, a recent Israeli study showed that the answer might lie in other brain cells.
February 10, 2014

Tel Aviv University Launches Challenge That Will See Young Israeli Entrepreneurs Help Developing World
There are almost 4 billion people in the world who are still facing basic problems, such as malnutrition, poor education and water contamination. The Pears Challenge launched yesterday in Tel Aviv to harness Israeli innovation in the developing world.
February 06, 2014

This Electric City Car Can Fold To The Size Of A Motorcycle
As any true urbanite will know, few things are more frustrating that driving around for half an hour just to find a parking spot. Luckily, Israeli company City Transformer’s has created an eco-friendly foldable car that takes up just a quarter of a regular parking spot.
January 28, 2014

Tel Aviv Researchers Reveal Why Thriving Civilizations Perished 3,200 Years Ago In The Levant
What caused the decline of the great civilizations of the Bronze Age in the Levant? This question was an enduring mystery, until a team of Israeli and German researchers harvested ancient pollen from the bottom of Israel's lakes to find the answer.
January 14, 2014

Bewitched? Control Any Home Appliance With A Wave Of Your Hand
Point to the window blinds and they open. No, we're not talking about famous TV witch Samantha, we're talking about a novel way to control your home environment with hand gestures, thanks to technology developed by Israeli company PointGrab.
January 07, 2014

Technion’s Pre-University Program Gets Ultra-Orthodox To Study And Join The High-Tech World
To curtail the high poverty and unemployment rates among Haredim, the Technion created a pre-university program that enables the ultra-orthofox to catch up on some of the core knowledge they may have missed in school.
December 30, 2013