By Minna Fingerhood

As World Moves To Online Payment, Israeli Fintech Companies Sealed Their Place As Industry Leaders In 2017
As e-commerce and mobile-commerce boom, Israeli online payment providers compete globally in a rapidly changing field.
December 13, 2017

Israeli ‘Super’ Seaweed Company Seakura Hopes To Solve World Food Crisis
The Herzliya-based Seakura is producing a better, more nutritious seaweed while also creating a new food source and bettering the environment.
November 13, 2017

US States Looking To Legalize Israeli Textalyzer That Checks For Texting And Driving
The digital forensics company has rolled out the 'textalyzer,' a plug-in device at the center of a NY state bill.
November 06, 2017

ALYN Hospital’s Innovation Lab To Create Cutting-Edge Devices For Special-Needs Kids
The innovation center helps kids with disabilities by developing new devices and technologies tailored to their needs.
August 07, 2017

Exit Nation: Mitsubishi Tanabe Acquires Israeli Pharma Company NeuroDerm For $1.1B
In one of the largest deals in Israel's history, pharmaceutical company NeuroDerm, which develops treatments for Parkinson's disease, exits for $1.1 billion.
July 24, 2017

Israeli, US, German Scientists Team Up To Turn Disease-Filled Wastewater Into Drinking Water
Israeli researchers are developing a filtration membrane that removes viruses and bacteria from wastewater, and turns them into clean drinking water.
July 10, 2017

Smart Suitcase Samsara Charges Your Phone, Doubles As A Desk
This smart aluminum suitcase, which can double as a work-space and charge your phone, is going viral with its Kickstarter campaign.
July 05, 2017

Israel’s Spy Agency Mossad Launches VC To Invest In Cutting-Edge Startups
The clandestine spy agency will invest in technologies including flexible robotics, biomimetics and miniaturized systems.
June 28, 2017

Could Journalists Be Replaced By This Robot That Writes 500 Words In 2 Minutes?
Is this the end of journalism as we know it? Articoolo's robot writes 500 Words In 2 Minutes for $2.
June 25, 2017