By Laura London

If Nuclear Disaster Strikes, This Israeli-Designed Belt Protects Against Radiation Exposure
StemRad's lead belt can protect first responders at a nuclear disaster site from dangerous radiation exposure.
December 16, 2014

Israel’s ‘GlassesOff’ App Said To Make Eyes A Whopping 8.6 Years Younger
What if reading glasses could be made obsolete using a mobile eye-training game over a period of three months? This may sound like a ridiculous proposition, but it's the way GlassesOff is training 40-60 year-olds to ditch their reading glasses for good.
July 09, 2014

Israeli Fall-Prevention Motorized Shoe Is A Step In The Right Direction
People above the age of 80 fall once a year on average, often leading to serious injury. Israeli company B-Shoe has developed a shoe that is able to take a step back when it senses a fall coming.
May 21, 2014

Immersia Wants You To Flirt Your Way Into Learning French
There are still many places in the world where, unless you speak the local language, you can't really get by as a tourist. Israeli startup Immersia has tackled that problem with a virtual game that teaches languages using simulations of real-life scenarios, like flirting with a French lady!
May 02, 2014

‘Sweet’ Success For Israeli Researchers In The Treatment And Early Detection Of Diabetes
As diabetes grows more rampant and threatens to affect one in three Americans in less than four decades, it is no wonder that extensive research is being done to treat and prevent the condition. In Israel, two researchers have made significant advancement in treating type I and detecting type II diabetes.
April 29, 2014

Cool GPS Watch hereO Will Keep Your Kids Safe
Keeping track of children is easier said than done. Finally, a "hereO" has come along to help parents keep track of their children, with efficiency.
April 10, 2014

EyeMusic: New App Enables The Blind To ‘Hear’ Images
While it is a somewhat known fact that people who lose their ability to see have their other senses heightened, it is still no replacement for actual sight. However, researchers at the Hebrew University have developed a breakthrough app that allows the blind to "see" using music.
April 07, 2014

‘The Waze of Agriculture’ Aids Farmers Around The World With Crowdsourced Data
How frustrating would it be if the success of your business was dependent on the forces of nature? Well, for millions of farmers worldwide – that is reality. Israeli app AgriTask uses data gathered from many farmers to give single farmers an advantage over mother nature.
April 06, 2014

Israel To Present Giant Living Wall At Expo Milano in 2015
If there's one field (pun intended) in which Israeli innovation is at its finest – it's agriculture. So Israel is planning to build a giant living and breathing wall to present its technological achievements in agriculture at the Israeli pavilion of Expo Milano 2015.
March 12, 2014