By Kyla Blumenfeld

Meet The Hottest Israeli Fashion Designers Who Dress The Stars
Since its humble beginnings, Israeli fashion has become a global powerhouse, with designs worn by celebs around the world.
June 17, 2015

The Tinder Of Academics: GradeBack Lets You Rate Your Professors With A Swipe
GradeBack is the first app that allows students to rate their professors anonymously by swiping left or right, a lot like Tinder.
May 26, 2015

Sing-along Like Nobody’s Watching With Karaoke App Yokee
Yokee is making big moves in the smartphone karaoke market, with its options to save recordings and turn them into viral videos.
May 11, 2015

True Leaders Emerge From Life-Threatening Situations, Study Finds
As elections are nearing, Israelis are asking themselves what qualities they want to see in their next leader. According to a new study, a leader exhibits specific qualities.
March 12, 2015

The Next Social Network? ‘Space Tag’ Allows Users to Leave Eternal Tags Around The Globe
Space Tag's creators have studied the human brain and even the Sahara Desert ant, to develop a social navigation and mapping system that's built on crowd tagging.
January 14, 2015

Breast Cancer Survivor Creates ‘Pink Perfect Nipples’ To Give Women A Sense Of Wholeness
Breast cancer survivors can restore their femininity with Pink Perfect's adhesive silicon nipples that are applied after reconstruction surgeries.
January 06, 2015