By Kirk D'Souza

Groundbreaking Study Finds World Of Genetic Differences Between Men And Women
"Before talking about the concept of 'personalized medicine,' we need to explore different treatments and medicines for men and women.”
June 01, 2017

Desalination Nation: How Israel Is Helping The World Fight Water Shortage
Israel is helping the US, China and Middle Eastern countries overcome droughts and increase water supply with its amazing know-how.
May 24, 2017

Israeli Technologies Lead The Way In Protecting Billions Of IoT Devices
Would you sit in a self-driving car knowing that it could be hacked? Protecting billions of connected devices is the next step in the IoT revolution.
April 11, 2017

Eddy The Robot Helps You Grow Veggies At Home With Hydroponic Farming
Developed by Israeli startup Flux, Eddy makes hydroponic farming accessible to all. Just turn it on, launch its mobile app, and wait for your crisp lettuce to grow.
March 01, 2017

The Land of Milk, Honey And Whisky? Israel’s First Distillery To Market In Europe
The Milk & Honey Distillery, Israel's first, is banking on the Europeans' craving for "New World" whisky.
January 26, 2017

No Pedal To Play Metal: Israeli Startup Rocks Music World With Wireless Sound Effects Touchpad
RevPad, a wireless touchpad, allows guitarists to choose the desired sound effect using their fingertips, while roaming freely on stage - no strings attached, literally.
January 12, 2017

Shower Power: SmarTap Taps Into Smart Home Market With Voice-Controlled Shower
Coming home from a tough day at work? The SmarTap app will fill the bath for you. At home, you can use Amazon's Alexa to tell your shower how hot the water should be!
November 20, 2016