This article was first published by The Times of Israel and is re-posted with permission.
Mary Rudolf is not a grandma who feeds chocolate to her three-year-old grandson to win his favor.
Indeed, the 68-year old pediatrician, who is also an expert in child obesity, said softly but adamantly, “I do what I preach. I wouldn’t go bananas if someone else gave him a bit of chocolate, but I’d never buy it.”
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The Times of Israel interviewed Prof. Rudolf, a soft-spoken immigrant from the United Kingdom, at her son’s apartment in the northern Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Aviv, where she was babysitting her twin grandchildren on a hot and sunny July morning. During the rest of the week, this grandmother is the head of the department of public health at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine at Bar-Ilan University in Safed, in the north of Israel. The university invited her to be a founding member of the medical school, and she agreed, immigrating from Leeds in 2011.
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