This article was first published by The Times of Israel and is re-posted with permission.
A team of bioengineers and gynecologists at Tel Aviv University say that by bioengineering cells they have created a model of the human uterine wall where they hope embryos will be able to attach and grow. The discovery would be a step toward growing embryos in an artificially made biological womb model, the researchers said.

“We were able to develop a tissue-engineered model of the human uterine wall,” said Prof. David Elad. “The next step is to study how the embryos can implant into this wall.”
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If implantation occurs as hoped, it would allow the embryos to develop in a biological environment rather than in the artificial environment of a petri dish and incubator, which are what is used today to incubate early embryos in the process of in vitro fertilization.
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