This article was first published by The Times of Israel and is re-posted with permission.
If one needs proof that necessity is the mother of entrepreneurship, then the story of Avi Yaron, who was diagnosed at the age of 26 with a life-threatening brain tumor, offers an ample supply.
Now 51 and in good health, Yaron has survived four brain operations in the US, Europe and Israel, designed a surgical tool that helps surgeons better treat people with his condition, and is on a quest to find the key to wellbeing in an era in which there is, he says, a “huge gap” between technology and human evolution.
“We are subject today to endless pressures and stresses,” Yaron said in an interview with The Times of Israel. “The era in which we live in has a surplus of food and a surplus of worries. Technological developments have increased the intensity of everything, from the speed of communications to travel, and we, as humans, are not yet able to cope with these huge changes. Thus, we have developed unhealthy habits to deal with this stress, like eating too many carbs, smoking or drinking, or sleepless nights. We have no time to rest.”
To read the full article, click here.
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