June 12, 2018 |The Israel-Italy Joint Innovation Council for Industrial, Scientific, and Technological Cooperation in R&D will promote eight academic and six industrial cooperative projects, funded by both governments at NIS 15 million (almost $4.2 million) per year over the course of two years, the organization announced Monday. The eight approved scientific projects will be published by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space for researchers in the fields of marine biology and marine agriculture and the physics of complex systems. The Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space will help fund the establishment of joint bio-robotics laboratories in its first phases at a cost of NIS 8 million ($2.2 million), a statement said. The six approved industrial projects are in areas like innovative manufacturing processes, pharmaceutical development, cybersecurity and transportation. The Israel-Europe R&D Directorate (ISERD), under the auspices of the Israel Innovation Authority, is responsible for coordinating cooperation on the Israeliside. Both the Israel Innovation Authority and the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space participate in this innovation council.
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