This article was first published by The Times of Israel and was re-posted with permission.
The Israeli Cyber Companies Consortium (IC3), a group of Israeli cyber-security firms set up last year to provide end-to-end cyber solutions at a national level, has won a contract worth “tens of millions of dollars” to set up a national cyber center in a country in Latin America.
The IC3, led by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), will supply the unnamed country with a strategic, national-level cyber-defense center which will include risk evaluation, establishment of an advanced monitor and defense center against cyber-attacks, an information-sharing infrastructure, and a cyber-training program. The solutions provided will combine the abilities of the various Israeli members of the consortium, including Elta Systems, a subsidiary of IAI, Verint Systems and Check Point Software Technologies.
ELTA, a subsidiary of IAI, will oversee the project’s implementation; supply a national-grade solution for the identification, investigation and early detection of cyberattacks; accompany and train personnel and establish a public information-sharing platform in the cyber domain, IAI said in a statement.
Verint will deploy its threat protection and response software for advanced cyber-attacks, Check Point will supply its threat prevention solutions and real time actionable intelligence, and other members of the consortium like ClearSky and CyberX will also provide their cyber intelligence and detection solutions.
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The IC3 was set up, under the endorsement of the Israeli government, to address cyber-security needs at a national and government level.
“Combining technological cyber solutions from an assortment of leading Israeli companies allows us from both the international and technological level to offer a comprehensive and integrated solution — this is a case when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” said Esti Peshin, general manager of IAI’s Cyber Division. “The endorsement of the Israeli government is critical to the success of the consortium, and we are confident that the model applied in Latin America will continue to prove itself in the future.”
To read the full article, click here.
Photos and video: IAI
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