This article was first published on The Times of Israel and was re-posted with permission.
In addition to the joys of nausea, weight gain and fluctuating hormones, expecting mothers can now add “feeling younger and healthier” to the list of benefits that come with being pregnant.
According to a new Israeli study, pregnancy can have a “rejuvenating effect” on women and could slow down the aging process, especially in older women.
According to an article published in the scientific journal Fertility and Sterility cited by The Telegraph, medical researchers at Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem studied the effects of livers transplants in pregnant and non-pregnant mice, finding that in 96 percent of the older, pregnant rodents, the liver had regenerated within two days. This was compared with 82% of young, non-pregnant mice and 46% of older, non-pregnant one.
SEE ALSO: Viral Infection During Pregnancy Can Trigger Diabetes In Babies, Study Finds
The study also found that the pregnancy protected the mice from tissue damage around the heart, which is part of the human aging process, and that pregnant mothers got an injection of “youth serum” from the babies they were carrying.
“As we age, it is more difficult for our tissue to regenerate itself,” the study found.
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