The most frequently broken promise we make to ourselves may be, ‘This week I will start my diet.’ This is probably because we are constantly surrounded by irresistible temptations, making it hard to change our eating habits. Whatever the reason, there may be a solution to help keep your diet on track. It’s called BitBite and its purpose is to track and analyze how much you eat without interfering in your daily life.
BitBite is a wearable earpiece that contains a microphone, Bluetooth chip and other sensors that track what you eat, how much you eat and even how quickly you eat. All of this information is then transferred over a cloud-based server to an application on the BitBite wearer’s smartphone, providing them with real-time data on their eating habits. Everything from bite frequency to calorie intake is recorded to help wearers make the most of their diet and stay on track. The Israeli team behind the BitBite technology is currently looking to raise $60,000 on Indiegogo, of which they have already raised $41,000.
BitBite may not be a first
The BitBite claims to track what you eat, how many bites you take and how long you chew with a microphone installed within the earpiece. Then, using Bluetooth technology at a distance of up to 60 feet from a smartphone, the information is transferred to the cloud where users can access it later on. If you don’t feel like wearing the earpiece, despite its small size, it can be stored in either a wristband or clip for when you’re ready for a snack. The earpiece’s battery lasts a total of three hours and is charged on a USB device, with a LED light indicator to let you know when it’s fully charged and ready to wear.
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Though BitBite’s technology may seem novel, they weren’t the first to come up with it. In a 2008 paper entitled “Eating habits monitoring using wireless wearable in-ear microphone,” engineers from Keio University in Japan outline their technology, “To realize ubiquitous eating habits monitoring, we proposed the use of chewing sound sensed by an in-ear placed wireless wearable microphone.” And, much like BitBite, the technology was developed using a Bluetooth headset, allowing users to track their eating habits.
Is an earpiece all it takes to keep you on track?
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Still, BitBite made it first to the crowdfunding scene. The first crowdfunders to purchase a BitBite will pay between $109 for the basic kit including BitBite earpiece, charger, app access and a storage clip, and up to $199 for an engraved BitBite skin. The earpiece comes in three different colors: white, black and pink and, according to the company, can be used immediately, from the moment its taken out of the box.
Photos: Indiegogo
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