Be’er Sheva, the urban desert city located in the south of Israel, is rarely visited by the typical Israeli tourist. But Caroline Frank, a Be’er Sheva resident for 36 years, looks at Be’er Sheva in a way few of us would have imagined. For her, the city is home to a wild jungle of insects, plants and raw nature, all located conveniently right outside her window.
Born in the former USSR, Caroline immigrated to Israel when she was only 12 years old, settling down with her family in the dusty desert city she likes to call home. Working as a physical therapist, Caroline only began taking photographs about one and a half years ago.
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“I picked up a camera, went outside around my house and just began taking pictures of all different kinds of things that people don’t usually notice. That’s what really fascinates me to photograph—the things that people don’t see,” she tells NoCamels.
Caroline’s passion for capturing the hidden elements of daily life are what got her interested in photographing insects, flowers and the microscopic world that usually disappear under our radars. She was exposed to the Facebook page “Arthropods, Reptiles and Amphibians Photography” and immediately received the assurance that her interest in capturing interesting moments in the lives of insects wasn’t completely unfounded. “I like to talk to the bugs that I photograph,” she says. “It helps me connect with nature and makes me feel that my bug models aren’t being taken for granted.”
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Above all, Caroline’s desire to photograph beautiful insects is due to the uninhibited freedom that they exhibit, “Insects are free in the fullest sense of the word. They do what they want, when they want without disrupting the harmony of nature. I like to photograph bugs when they are most active, in the afternoon and evening, because this is when they are most free. It really gives me a lot of perspective on the world.”
While Caroline has only sold a few of her works, she values that peace and fascination that they inspire far more than their monetary value.
If you ask Caroline, this is a bug’s world and we’re only living in it.
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