Amid the aroma of garbage that still perfumes the air around the Hiriya Recycling Park, government officials and relevant executives laid the cornerstone for a refusederived fuel plant that will eventually transform half of the Dan region’s waste into usable fuel.
“This is a project that is going to generate a whole revolution in the treatment of waste in the Dan area and the whole of Israel,” said Gila Oron, head of the Tel Aviv region at the Interior Ministry.
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The cornerstone-laying for the giant plant occurred on Monday of last week near its future site at the recycling park, during the First International Waste Tech Conference, initiated by the park and Dan Municipal Sanitation Association chairman Doron Sapir.
Aiming to provide solutions to the waste problem in Israel, the refuse-derived fuel (RDF) plant will take in daily 1,500 tons of high calorific waste – such as wood, plastic, textiles, cardboard and paper – and transform them into a usable fuel through a dry combustion process known as RDF, according to the project. This amount is equivalent to half of the Dan region’s daily waste production.
While the Gush Dan region generates more than 1 million tons of waste per year, the massive amounts of garbage undergoing the RDF process will be able to generate green energy through a method that does not emit any pollutants or toxins, the project’s leaders said.
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Via The Jerusalem Post
Photo: Garbabge truck and Bulldozer on a landfill site by Bigstock
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