What do you get when you put together three talented friends, a passion for cooking, cutting-edge technology, and a $685,000 budget?
According to Kitchenbug’s co-founders Ofir Shahar, Dror Daliot and Tal Rosenberg, you get a cool recipe analysis website that makes cooking healthy, fun and easy.
Kitchenbug’s algorithm analyzes recipe content, calculates nutritional facts and shows you all the recipes’ “pros and cons”. The pros, highlighted in green, include things like “excellent source of protein” and “feel full faster”, whereas the cons, in red, will say things like “bad choice for weight loss” or “not very healthy for your heart.”
“When it comes to recipes, there is no way of really knowing what nutrients go into the food,” CMO Rosenberg tells NoCamels.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-DyRDMiu14′]
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Most developed countries have some laws that require that nutritional tables be displayed on food products, but Kitchenbug’s co-founders say that a majority of people don’t understand the content in nutritional tables; much less figure out how this all adds up when they mix ingredients or how the values reflect on their health.
Understanding how people cook
“According to the American Dietetic Association, 46 percent of Americans search for dietary information online, and laws are coming in to make people more aware. People are very interested to know how they can eat healthier, and we hope to help them,” Rosenberg claims.
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SubscribeAlthough there exist a myriad of websites (such as Allrecipes.com) that collect recipes online and include nutritional analysis, Kitchenbug says its unique value proposition is that it has created a comprehensive approach that encompasses all of its users’ needs, including the ability to save favorite recipes, upload their own and share them with other users .
KitchenBug hopes to monetize through promoted content and content-targeted advertising. In addition, Kitchenbug users who want to promote their recipes will pay an extra premium to have them displayed on other users’ feeds. The website also wants to start offering in-content advertisements for the food industry once its user base has reached critical mass.
With $685,000 of funds previously raised through private investors, the startup is now looking at a new round of fundraising to expand its service, including into mobile and tablet.
While a love of food is what brought Kitchenbugs co-founders together, they all have different backgrounds. Shahar, Kitchenbug’s CEO, is a startup veteran with five startups under his belt and is also a certified French chef; Rosenberg has over 13 years of experience in international sales and marketing and Daliot is a seasoned business manager.
Photo: Woman’s hands cutting carrot by Bigstock
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