It may take a while, but once it becomes routine – it’s irreplaceable. We all know those universal mobile apps, the ones that might have similar or even superior alternatives, yet are still used by almost everyone.
Such is the situation with apps like Instagram and WhatsApp. However, when it comes to WhatsApp, a new competitor just might prove a worthy adversary, and it’s Israeli. Meet TU Me, from Israeli-Austrian developer JaJah, which has recently been chosen as a finalist in the lifestyle category at the UN’s World Summit Award Mobile.
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Like the beloved WhatsApp, TU Me enables free exchange of text messages, photos, sound recordings, videos and geographic locations over the internet. However, Unlike WhatsApp, TU Me also enables free VoIP calls.
True, there are many other apps that allow free calls over the internet, including the Israeli app Viber. However, from the writer’s experience, sound quality (Viber’s Achilles’ Heel) is what differentiates TU Me from other apps out there.
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Another feature to like about the app is the way message logs are displayed. Like in WhatsApp, TU Me is very simple to operate and has a clean, simple interface. A fun addition is a button located at the bottom of the screen, which reveals a menu with all the interactions available with the certain contact you are chatting with. It’s not groundbreaking, but it is intuitive and fun.
Another feature on TU Me, which is noticeably missing from WhatsApp, is a designated media area, where you can easily access all images and videos shared and received on the app.
TU Me has all the potential of becoming the next hot messaging app, but its true test still lies ahead – winning over the millions of users who are already texting each other on existing apps. It is a very tough market to break.
The app is free to download: Android (2.3 and up) |iPhone (iOS 5 and up)
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Via Feeder
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