Green tea can help beat bad breath, according to a recent scientific study.
The study found that antioxidants in green tea, called polyphenols, destroy a number of compounds in the mouth that can lead to bad breath, tooth decay and even mouth cancer.
The study, from Israel’s Institute of Technology, will add to green tea’s status as one of nature’s so-called ‘superfoods’.
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It is already said to help prevent cancer and heart disease and lower cholesterol – and even ward off Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Writing in the Archives of Oral Biology, the scientists called for more studies, adding: “Alltogether, there is increasing interest in the health benefits of green tea in the field of oral health.”
Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, but is processed in a different way that retains less caffeine and more polyphenols.
The beverage has been consumed in China and the Far East for thousands of years and has only become widely recognized for its health benefits in the West recently.
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SubscribeUnlike black coffee, it is less often consumed with milk or sugar, which means it contains fewer calories as well.
Health Benefits
The study, published in the journal Archives of Oral Biology, examined the properties of the polyphenol called epigallocatechin 3 gallate (EGCG) in particular.
It reported: “EGCG constitute the most interesting components in green tea leaves. Tea polyphenols possess antiviral properties, believed to help in protection from influenza.”
“Additionally green tea polyphenols can abolish halitosis through modification of odorant sulphur components. Oral cavity, oxidative stress and inflammation consequent to cigarettes’ deleterious compounds may be reduced in the presence of green tea polyphenols.”
Photo by bkajino
Information via Daily Mail
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