A new Haifa University, Israel, project, defeated 60 other international proposals and won a $6 million funding for the establishment of an integration system that will provide patients and doctors on-time and online information about their medical status through mobile phones and computers.
This new system will help patients and medical staff receive and give efficient treatment that is based on full online information, thereby reducing the need to receive treatment in the hospital.
Ben-Gurion University is the technological partner of Haifa University in this project. According to Prof. Mor Peleg, the scientific coordinator of the project, this new system is a combination of existing technologies and a unique and new integration system that will improve the quality of care of patients dramatically and help reduce a high demand for doctors.
The first part of the project is meant to provide care for two specific populations: Spanish patients who suffer from pregnancy complications due to high blood pressure and diabetes and Italian patients who suffer from Heart arrhythmia.
The goal of the new project is to create a system that will provide patients and doctors the opportunity to supervise and give the best medical care while monitoring in actual time changes in blood pressure, heart rhythm, blood sugar level etc. The data collected through the new system will be sent to mobile phones and computers that will process it and allow patients and doctors will decide how to treat the condition and whether to go to a hospital.
To continue reading this article in Hebrew, click here
Translated by Sivan Kriboshe, NoCamels
Via Hadoctor
Photo courtesy of alumroot
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