An Israeli film graduate has won a video competition that saw her short film become the official music video for American director David Lynch’s new single, “I Know.”
The surrealist director of such internationally acclaimed films as “The Elephant Man” and “Mulholland Drive,” chose Tamar Drachli’s dark and compelling clip out of 650 international competitors.
Drachli’s short film received rave reviews, propelling the young Israeli onto the international stage. “I loved the idea to start with the music and go from there,” Drachli told NoCamels.
Drachli’s clip depicts a young woman attempting to distance herself from her lover, but unable to do so by his all consuming power over her, which is in this instance is symbolized by a remote control.
“Everyone has one or more relationships where you can’t let go,” Drachli explained. “Where it’s hard to stay, and yet it’s hard to leave. In the video, you can see all that tension in their kiss.”
Drachli shot and edited the video in only ten days, to make Lynch’s tight deadline.
She now hopes she could one day shoot a video for Madonna. “I would love to impress her,” she says.
“As David Lynch told us,” she adds, “all the best to all of you – rock on and be happy.”
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