Israel’s ‘GlassesOff’ App Said To Make Eyes A Whopping 8.6 Years Younger
What if reading glasses could be made obsolete using a mobile eye-training game over a period of three months? This may sound like a ridiculous proposition, but it's the way GlassesOff is training 40-60 year-olds to ditch their reading glasses for good.
July 09, 2014

Two Israeli Companies Combine To Give Google Glass Some Serious Competition
Glass by Google aims to revolutionize the way we interact with the world, by offering a layer of augmented reality to be displayed before our eyes. But Google's not alone, with several competitors in the field – one of which stems from an amalgamation of two Israeli companies.
May 13, 2014

Bats Combine Echolocation And Vision To Rule The Skies
The term "blind as a bat" is not only wrong, it is a complete contradiction, since few creatures see as well as bats. Their use of both sound and vision to locate objects gives them a wide advantage over other nocturnal flying predators.
February 26, 2014

Israeli Bionic Contact Lens Will Help Blind People ‘See’
The human eye has 600 times more sensors than the finger. Israeli inventor Zeev Zalevsky has decided to take advantage of that fact and created a bionic contact lens that can physically press images onto the wearer's eye.
July 31, 2013