Zano’s Micro-Drone Follows You To Capture HD Selfies From The Sky
Zano, which is a tiny, portable drone that takes photos and videos, has raised a whopping $1.5 million on Kickstarter over the course of two weeks.
December 23, 2014
Unmanned Flying Vehicle May Become Ambulance Of The Future
Imagine an unmanned flying ambulance that can reach otherwise inaccessible areas, pick up the wounded and make its way to a hospital. As unbelievable as that may sound, it is already being developed by Israeli company UrbanAero.
January 13, 2014
Haifa Researchers Able To Control Insects’ Movements
An Israeli research team is harnessing millions of years of evolution to create the world's smallest unmanned aerial vehicles. The researchers are decoding the muscular activity of insects in flight, then translating it into a code that can be used to trigger their movement.
July 02, 2012