Researchers Find That Whey Protein Shakes Can Control Diabetic Blood Sugar Spikes
Researchers found that drinking a whey protein shake, a milk-based powder, before breakfast, could help diabetics decrease post-meal blood sugar spikes by nearly 28 percent.
August 27, 2014
Researchers Turn Oceans’ Biggest Menace – Jellyfish – Into Sustainable Medical Products
Jellyfish are the oceans' peskiest predator that can ruin anyone's fun day at the beach but now Israeli research has found a reason to fish jellyfish and use them to produce a sustainable resource.
August 19, 2014
The ‘Memory’ Of Starvation Stays In Your Genes For Three Generations, Tel Aviv Researchers Show
Only one eighth of the world's population knows what it means to suffer from starvation, but according to new research from Tel Aviv University, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of starving people continue to inherit these 'starvation' genes.
August 04, 2014
Something Fishy: Research Discovers Why Fish May Be Nearing Extinction
Will fish disappear by the year 2050? According to one UN report, the disappearance of fish and the collapse of the marine ecosystem is a very real possibility, but now researchers from Tel Aviv University have discovered what causes mass fish deaths and how they might be prevented.
July 28, 2014
MobileOCT: The Incredible Social Startup That Uses Mobile Phones To Detect Cervical Cancer In Third-World Women
Over five billion people have access to a mobile phone, but not a physician. This statement is particularly true in the developing world, which is why Israeli company MobileOCT has created a mobile- phone attachment that can screen for cancer.
July 22, 2014
Israeli Research Finds Parents’ Interrupted Sleep Is The Equivalent Of No Sleep At All
New parents know the feeling - the familiar cry in the night, followed by a blind shuffle to the crib, a feeding, a diaper change, and a final retreat back into oblivion, every hour. Now research from Tel Aviv University finds that the interrupted sleep patterns of new parents could have a much more wearisome toll than previously thought.
July 14, 2014
Israel’s ‘GlassesOff’ App Said To Make Eyes A Whopping 8.6 Years Younger
What if reading glasses could be made obsolete using a mobile eye-training game over a period of three months? This may sound like a ridiculous proposition, but it's the way GlassesOff is training 40-60 year-olds to ditch their reading glasses for good.
July 09, 2014
Israeli And American Researchers’ Findings Could Make Kidney Transplants A Thing of the Past
Kidneys were long believed to be static organs that don't change, but now Israeli and American researchers have discovered that parts of the kidney can actually regenerate themselves, making the team of researchers hopeful that kidney transplants may soon be a thing of the past.
July 06, 2014
Keep Calm And Hold On To The Carry-On: Israeli Nano-Sensor Can Sniff Out Explosives From 16 Feet Away
Everyone loves a good vacation, but waiting in never-ending security lines can be a real bummer. Israel's Tracense nanosensor bomb-detecting device may change that, with its chip that can sniff out explosives from 16 feet away and in under five seconds.
June 30, 2014
Stunning Eco Architecture: Take A Look At Israel’s ‘Greenest’ Building
Take a sneak peak at Israel's greenest building, Tel Aviv University's Porter School of Environmental Studies. The structure was built to maximize natural light, runs on renewable energy and even has its own "EcoWall" with special labs for ecological experimentation.
June 24, 2014
NaNose: The Breathalyzer Test That Sniffs Out Lung Cancer Before It Spreads
Cancer researchers from universities in Israel, America and Britain have come together to create a breakthrough in lung cancer detection that uses a simple and noninvasive breathalyzer test.
June 19, 2014
Vibrant: Israeli Startup Invents Vibrating Capsule That Frees Up Intestinal Traffic Jams
Researchers at Tel Aviv's Sourasky Medical Center have discovered a novel way to address the uncomfortable symptoms of chronic constipation using a vibrating pill, called Vibrant.
June 17, 2014
Israeli Discovery Could Reverse Alzheimer’s Damage
Tel Aviv University professor has uncovered a protein that may protect brain cells from harm by dementia-based diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
May 27, 2014
Suspected Cause Of Huntington’s Is Actually A Defense Mechanism That May Lead To New Treatment
A new study from Tel Aviv University may be one of the most important discoveries in the field of neurodegenerative disease. Researchers found that a phenomenon thought to be the cause of Huntington's disease is actually one of the body's defense mechanism.
May 26, 2014
Study Shows How Sitting On Your Butt ACTUALLY Makes It Fat!
While eating copious amounts of fatty food is one way to gain weight, one study proves there is something else that increases fat cells: Sitting on your butt. By examining how fat is produced at a cellular level, the researchers discovered that placing physical pressure on fat cells actually caused them to expand.
April 05, 2014