Immersia Wants You To Flirt Your Way Into Learning French
There are still many places in the world where, unless you speak the local language, you can't really get by as a tourist. Israeli startup Immersia has tackled that problem with a virtual game that teaches languages using simulations of real-life scenarios, like flirting with a French lady!
May 02, 2014

Report: Want To Be A Billionaire? Move To Israel!
A recent study by the OECD has shown that Israel has the second-highest percentage of billionaire entrepreneurs in the world! The report ranked the best breeding-ground for financial entrepreneurial success, and it's Israel.
April 30, 2014

6 TV Shows You Probably Didn’t Know Were Made In Israel
Israel is known as the Startup Nation, with new and innovative startups sprouting left and right. But did you know that in recent years Israel has also become a major exporter of TV shows? NoCamels presents the shows you watch but probably didn't know were conjured in an Israeli writer's mind.
April 27, 2014

Will Tesla’s Driverless Car Be Powered By Israel’s Mobileye Technology?
Premium electric car manufacturer Tesla is reportedly using Israeli company Mobileye's technology to launch driverless cars within a decade. Mobileye's system can identify the proximity of other vehicles, as well as other possible collision triggers.
April 23, 2014

Gesture Recognition Is Not Just For Games: Israeli Tech Tracks A Skeleton For Biometric Authentication
Israel is a world-leader in gesture recognition, with international names like Microsoft, Apple and Sega using it for their products. Now, Israeli startup Extreme Reality has shown that their software can be used for the security industry as well as the gaming industry.
April 21, 2014

Serious Web Security Breach May Have Been Prevented By Using Israeli Tech
Attention to potential security holes could have prevented the "biggest bug ever to hit the Internet." That is the claim of Israel cyber-security company Checkmarx, who says the latest major internet hack was avoidable.
April 20, 2014

Online Dog-Sitting Marketplace Makes Sure Your Pet Is In Good Hands When You Go On Vacation
It's never easy to leave your pet when you go away. Israeli company Tasko makes sure that your pet is in loving hands with its online dog-sitting marketplace.
April 17, 2014

Top 10 Futuristic Technologies Made In Israel
In the future, flying ambulances will carry patients, while people in maglev sky-trains look from the sky-train's windows that can be turned into screens, all while their phones are charged using infrared light. Sounds like a sci-fi movie? Well, it's already being turned into reality in Israel.
April 14, 2014

Cool GPS Watch hereO Will Keep Your Kids Safe
Keeping track of children is easier said than done. Finally, a "hereO" has come along to help parents keep track of their children, with efficiency.
April 10, 2014

This Tiny Robot Is Actually A Printer You Carry In Your Pocket
While many business meetings take place outside the office, and most of the office can be carried in your pocket, one thing that hasn't changed in the last decade is the printer. However, an ambitious Israeli Kickstarter campaign, with a $400,000 goal, has set out to change all that with a tiny portable robotic printer.
April 10, 2014

Another Israeli Export: Game Show Format Acquired By FOX
Israeli innovation doesn't end with startups. The Holy Land is also a major exporter of television formats. Now game show called "Boom!" has been picked up by American TV network FOX.
April 09, 2014

This Robot With ‘Soul’ Gets Frightened When You’re Angry
Once, talking to machines was considered madness or science fiction. Then, speech recognition came along and made it commonplace. Now, Israeli robot Kip 1 is another step forward – it can understand the tone of the speaker's voice – and react accordingly.
April 08, 2014

StoreDot’s Technology Charges A Smartphone In 30 Seconds!
While smartphone technology continuously progesses, batteries hardly have. Now, an Israeli company has created the technology to manufacture phones that can charge in half a minute. Not only that, their technology is based on organic and eco-friendly materials.
April 08, 2014

‘The Waze of Agriculture’ Aids Farmers Around The World With Crowdsourced Data
How frustrating would it be if the success of your business was dependent on the forces of nature? Well, for millions of farmers worldwide – that is reality. Israeli app AgriTask uses data gathered from many farmers to give single farmers an advantage over mother nature.
April 06, 2014

You Won’t Believe What This Is
At first glance, these creations might look like beautiful images that could fit any any museum. However, these are no ordinary landscapes – they are tiny particles that look like ethereal sceneries when examined through a microscope.
March 31, 2014