Is Israel At Risk Of Losing Its ‘Startup Nation’ Title?
Proponents of the Startup Nation usually like to see the glass half full, but following a recent talk by Shai Agassi and Yanki Margalit entitled 'Startup Nation 2.0', it's clear that some entrepreneurs view Israeli innovation with the glass half-empty perspective.
June 17, 2014
10 Amazing Female Israeli Tech Leaders Who Put Quality In Equality
James Brown once said "this is a man's world," but as these 10 Israeli women show, that couldn't be further from the truth. NoCamels has sifted through the startup nation to bring you the top ten key female figures in Israel's tech scene.
May 12, 2014
Top 10 Israeli Exits, Mergers & Acquisitions Of All Time
Think Google's acquisition of Israeli startup Waze is an exception in the Startup Nation? Think again. While the price was high and the acquiring company prestigious, Israel has been selling its best startups to international corporations for decades. We found of what are the top 10 Israeli exits of all time.
October 29, 2013