An ‘Autonomous’ Smart Home By 2024? Israeli Tech Experts Predict Top Trends For Next 5 Years
Global innovation is set to focus on industries such as retail, smart homes, open source, AI, and digital media.
January 17, 2019

Meet Sensibo: The Attachment That Will Revolutionize Your Aircon
Just in time for summer, Israeli company Sensibo is introducing its smartphone-enabled gadget, which makes any air conditioner smart. While remote-controlled ACs have been around for a while, Sensibo offers a lot more: from self-regulation to cleaning reminders.
May 20, 2014

Bewitched? Control Any Home Appliance With A Wave Of Your Hand
Point to the window blinds and they open. No, we're not talking about famous TV witch Samantha, we're talking about a novel way to control your home environment with hand gestures, thanks to technology developed by Israeli company PointGrab.
January 07, 2014