Hospitals Open Underground Wartime Wards To Ready For Surge In COVID-19 Patients
Rambam and Beilinson hospitals say they will be able to care for ‘hundreds’ of patients at a time as Israel's second lockdown begins.
September 20, 2020

Israeli Cyber Firm Focused On Medical Sector Raises $7M For US Market Expansion
Cynerio, founded in 2017 by cybersecurity experts, delivers security solutions specifically designed for healthcare providers.
January 13, 2019

Study Shows Pomegranate Reduces Cholesterol And Prevents Heart Disease
A symbol of righteousness in Judaism, the pomegranate can now boast of another virtue – preventing heart disease. A recent study in Israel has shown that pomegranates significantly reduce the risk of heart disease caused by high cholesterol.
January 12, 2014

Israeli Researchers Use Skin Cells To Repair Damaged Hearts
For the very first time, Israeli researchers were able to turn human skin cells - taken from heart disease patients - into heart muscle cells that were then used to repair the patients’ damaged hearts.
June 27, 2013

Study: C-section Babies More Likely To Fail Hearing Test
Researchers from Israel found that babies who were delivered by cesarean section are three times more likely to fail their first hearing test. Nevertheless, as findings show, the problem is typically temporary.
June 19, 2012

Study Discovers Important Cause For Cancer Growth
A new research conducted in Israel might lead to the development of new methods for controlling the growth of cancer. Scientists are hopeful it could lead to treatments that will transform cancer from a lethal disease to a chronic, manageable one.
April 12, 2012