‘Sweet’ Success For Israeli Researchers In The Treatment And Early Detection Of Diabetes
As diabetes grows more rampant and threatens to affect one in three Americans in less than four decades, it is no wonder that extensive research is being done to treat and prevent the condition. In Israel, two researchers have made significant advancement in treating type I and detecting type II diabetes.
April 29, 2014

US Honors Israeli Professor For Work On Suicide Prevention
After years studying the phenomenon, an Israeli and an American professor have developed a revolutionary treatment method for teenage depression, which is now being awarded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
April 22, 2014

Israeli Researchers Stop The Brain From Aging To Prevent Alzheimer’s
As the human brain gets older, it is increasingly prone to neurodegenerative disease. If only it were possible to simply stop the brain from aging. As it turns out, it might just be, as recent study by Hebrew University researchers and an Israeli startup has shown.
December 04, 2013

Researchers Identify Enzyme Which Triggers Breast Cancer
A recent study done at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has found an enzyme that is responsible for triggering accelerated growth of breast cancer cells. The discovery may lead to new ways of treating and preventing cancer.
January 24, 2013

Study Shows Prayer Tied To Prevention Of Alzheimer’s
The next time you’re passing a church, a mosque or a synagogue, you might want to pop in for a few moments. A new American-Israeli study has found that praying regularly can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 50 percent.
August 01, 2012