Real-Life Crime Scene Investigation: How Criminals Are Caught
A new breakthrough in crime investigation is now available with a technique that enables forensic officers to isolate individual DNA in a mixed DNA crime scene, a capacity that has, up to now, eluded police.
December 29, 2010
Can New Robotic Computer Cure Paralysis?
This year's christmas episode of popular U.S. television show "Glee" ended with what seemed like a holiday miracle. Artie, a character confined to a wheelchair, took a few halting steps with the help of a machine called the ReWalk. "It was invented by some guy in Israel," he said.
December 29, 2010
Cell La Vie: Reduce Cell Phone Rays ‘By 98 Percent’
An Israeli start-up company, Wise Environment, has recently launched a product called Cell La Vie which it says reduces exposure to mobile phones' electromagnetic radiation by 98 percent.
November 09, 2010
Passers-by Receive Flowers For Picking Up Cigarette Buds
A non-profit organization activists encouraged passers-by to help clean out the streets from cigarette buds and in return gave out flower.
November 08, 2010
Extinct Plants To Be Recreated Through Gene Bank
Israel has a major project underway to build a gene bank of wild plants in danger of extinction. Scientists will even be able to re-introduce plants that have gone extinct.
November 08, 2010
Israeli-Palestinian Team To Develop Clean Water Solutions
Two scientists, one Israeli and one Palestinian, have recently started a close cooperation to address the growing regional problem of water shortage.
November 03, 2010
IDF and U.S. military to coordinate on ‘freeze dry blood technology’
Possible joint projects include freeze-dry blood technology for battlefield transfusions and diagnostic tool for post-traumatic stress disorder.
November 02, 2010
Strongest-Ever Nanomaterial “Superior To Metal”
A nanostructure that is derived from the simplest organic elements yet is as strong as steel has been developed in Israel.
October 25, 2010
Israel to pay citizens to produce energy from trash
Israel's ministry of environmental protection has decided it will start paying citizens that produce energy from their organic garbage.
October 24, 2010
Dead sea new wonder of the world?
School kids will assist the Dead Sea to earn points in an international competition looking for the new Wonders of the world. [Photo by Tracy Hunter]
October 24, 2010
Israelis spend record-breaking 9.2 hours on social networks
ComScore Inc. reports that Russian Internet users are the world’s most active users of social networks, and that Israel is in second place. The survey found 34.5 million Internet users in Russia visited a social network site at least once during August 2010, 74.5% of all Internet users in the country. The average time per […]
October 23, 2010
Scientists develop technique to knock out superbugs
It's the fight of the century: in one corner, the bacteria known as "superbugs," and in the other corner the antibacterial drugs known as antibiotics. In bout after bout, newer and stronger superbugs are besting the antibiotics.
October 21, 2010
Israel’s booming cleantech industry ‘started with the kibbutz’
"The foundation of Israel's cleantech industry was laid with the beginning of the kibbutz (collective communities) movement at the start of the 20th century, even before the modern state of Israel was founded," according to expert.
October 21, 2010
New Meds Could Stop Cancer by Cutting Off Its Blood
Researchers at Tel Aviv University are developing a new family of medicines that could provide preventive treatment for cancer, or turn existing cancer into a chronic disease that one can live with for years.
October 21, 2010
Israel: A Leader in Business Innovation
Dan Senor, co-author of 'Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle,' tells CNBC how Israel has managed to become a leader in business innovation and beat the recession.
October 21, 2010