A $7 PC: Keepod Launches Project To Give African Slums Computer Access
If you're reading this, chances are you take access to a personal computer for granted. But did you know that five billion people have limited access to a PC? Israeli company Keepod is partnering with LiveInSlums to give everyone a PC - for $7.
February 09, 2014

Carry Your Computer Desktop On A Simple USB Key With Keepod’s Free Operating System
Locating a file can be frustrating when you work with several computers. Israeli company Keepod, which created a computer the size of a credit card, now offers its OS for free, so you can have your PC on any USB drive.
October 13, 2013

Arab-Israeli Startup Develops $45 PC That Fits In Your Hand
We often hear about major software development coming out of Israel, but the innovation nation is also a frontrunner when it comes to hardware. Arab-Israeli company SolidRun has developed a PC that fits the needs of many, and also fits in your hand.
October 02, 2013

CompuLab’s New $99 PC Can Fit In Your Pocket
The Utilite, the latest PC created by Israeli company CompuLab, is just a little bigger than a smartphone. However, it has all the capabilities of the latest desktop computers and costs just $99.
July 17, 2013