Coral ‘Carpets’ Could Be The Saving Grace For Disappearing Coral Reefs
Due to global warming, coral reefs are slowly nearing extinction. But before waving Nemo goodbye, Israeli researchers have come up with a novel and efficient solution - coral reef carpets.
August 12, 2014
Something Fishy: Research Discovers Why Fish May Be Nearing Extinction
Will fish disappear by the year 2050? According to one UN report, the disappearance of fish and the collapse of the marine ecosystem is a very real possibility, but now researchers from Tel Aviv University have discovered what causes mass fish deaths and how they might be prevented.
July 28, 2014
Middle Eastern Graduate Students Unite Over Shared Ecosystem
Twelve marine and environmental studies graduate students from the Middle East and Europe are taking part in a two-week Mediterranean research project off the shores of La Spezia, Italy, to protect the unique ecosystem shared by countries that might not typically have relations.
June 23, 2011