New ‘Apple Pay’ Means Big Break For Israeli Technology ‘On-Track Solutions’
Israeli company On-Track Solutions (OTI), a major player in the mobile wallet business, will likely strike it big with the new Apple Pay system.
September 16, 2014
TapMyBiz Hopes To Revolutionize The Business Card Game With NFC Technology
People in the business world know the frustrating feeling of coming back from a conference with so many business cards – they can't remember which is from whom. Israeli TapMyBiz is trying to change the way we use business cards by adding NFC technology into the mix.
March 26, 2013
Keepod, The Desktop That Fits In Your Wallet, Takes On Israel
Despite digital innovation, our wallets still seem to get thicker over time: credit cards, ID cards, key cards, membership cards etc. After achieving success in Italy, Israeli startup Keepod brings its one-in-all card back home to the Israeli market.
January 23, 2013