Startups To Pitch At (Virtual) ‘March Madness’ Israeli Tech Competition
32 pre-seed or seed-stage startups will be chosen to pitch to judges and audience members at home.
March 26, 2020

Yevvo App For iPhone Debuts A New Take On Live Micro Broadcasting
Many social networks are all about the "now." Twitter and Facebook can both give you an idea of what your friends are currently doing. Israeli startup Yevvo takes this notion a step further with live video broadcasting from your smartphone.
August 14, 2013

Yevvo: Will Micro-Broadcasting Overthrow Twitter’s Micro-Blogging?
Twitter users have grown accustomed to short, real-time text updates. Now, Israeli startup Yevvo is trying to convert that principle into video-blogging, by offering short HD broadcasting that can only be viewed live.
March 28, 2013

Tel Aviv Does Music Concerts In Unexpected Places!
To see a music concert in Tel Aviv, you can either buy an expensive ticket and get squished in the raving crowd, or you can simply go to your local barbershop!
February 22, 2011