Laptops And Drones Instead Of Shovels And Hoes; Remote Workers To Lead Kibbutz Revival
Israeli startup Gather is a new entrepreneurial project that wants to attract international digital nomads to Israel’s kibbutz communities.
August 22, 2019
Kibbutz Economy: How Israeli Collective Communities Near Gaza Are Becoming High-Tech Hubs
A local incubator, SouthUp, is attracting startups from across the country with WeWork-like shared workspaces in kibbutzim in southern Israel
February 07, 2018
Pockets Of Socialist Communes Flourish In Israeli Cities
Various Israeli communes have decided that living an urban life does not preclude them from applying pure socialist beliefs and created what they call "urban kibbutzim" – families in large Israeli cities living under one roof and sharing all their earnings.
March 15, 2011