Discovering The Missing “LINC” To Deafness
While researching two families of Iraqi Jews with a long family history of hearing loss, Prof Karen Avraham of Tel Aviv University discovered a significant mutation in cells of the inner ear, which could lead to new treatments for hearing disorders.
March 05, 2013
‘LightOn’ Turns Sound Into Sight For Hard Of Hearing
Israeli startup DreamZon turns mobile audio notifications into visual ones, for people who suffer from hearing impairments. Their product, LightOn, is a cell phone dock that detects phone vibrations and alerts users with flashing lights.
August 16, 2012
Loud Music Will Damage Quarter Of Youth’s Hearing, Study Shows
According to a study conducted at Tel Aviv University, about a quarter of Israeli youth may develop hearing disorders due to prolonged exposure to music players and loud noise. 289 adolescents aged 13-17 participated in the study that examined the habits of music listening on MP3 players, mobile phones and computers.
January 01, 2012