‘Almost Bulletproof’: Smartphone Case Offers Serious Protection From Hackers
Hardware solution physically blocks cybercriminals from accessing smartphone's camera, microphone GPS and more
July 12, 2022

Israeli Hack Could Help Teams On COVID-19 Frontlines Produce Quick, Affordable Ventilators
The Israeli team offering the source codes, parts lists, and engineering designs for free to medical teams and experts around the world.
April 05, 2020

IDF Foils ‘Sophisticated’ Hamas Attempt To Hack Into Soldiers’ Phones Using Fake Profiles
The Israeli military says Hamas created six fake online personas to lure soldiers into interacting with them and downloading malware.
February 16, 2020

Serious Web Security Breach May Have Been Prevented By Using Israeli Tech
Attention to potential security holes could have prevented the "biggest bug ever to hit the Internet." That is the claim of Israel cyber-security company Checkmarx, who says the latest major internet hack was avoidable.
April 20, 2014