Fish Out Of Water? Israeli Researchers Have Taught Goldfish To Drive
Researchers from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev tested a fish's navigational abilities by teaching it to swim to a target for a reward.
January 05, 2022
Designer Corals: 1st-Ever Study Shows How 3D Design Supports Science To Save Coral Reefs
Israeli marine biologists and designer 3D-printed the world’s first bioplastic and ceramic tile coral reefs to shed light on the complex relations between coral architecture and fish recruitment.
July 22, 2019
Something Fishy: Research Discovers Why Fish May Be Nearing Extinction
Will fish disappear by the year 2050? According to one UN report, the disappearance of fish and the collapse of the marine ecosystem is a very real possibility, but now researchers from Tel Aviv University have discovered what causes mass fish deaths and how they might be prevented.
July 28, 2014
Israeli Visionary Creates Self-Sustaining Farms By Combining Fish And Hydroponics
What do you get when you combine fish and plants that grow on water? Yes, sushi is one answer, but we're referring to aquaponics – an innovative technique for creating farms that supply both fish and plants, while creating an ecosystem that sustains itself.
December 25, 2013
Is Eating Fish Unhealthy?
While eating fish is considered healthy, the effects of mercury - a metal which accumulates in the body - are not and can include damage to the nervous system and liver functions. A new Israeli study shows where all this mercury comes from.
May 04, 2011
Israel Raises Fish In The Desert
With fewer fish in the sea with each passing year, Israel's Grow Fish Anywhere has found a way to grow them in the desert.
December 30, 2010