What’s With The Crazy Weather On Uranus And Neptune?
Astronomers are constantly researching conditions on other planets, with hopes of getting a better understanding of the different celestial bodies in our solar system. Now, new light has been shed on the conditions on Neptune and Uranus.
June 14, 2013

Israeli Pesticide Company That Fights Pests With Bumble Bees Now Launches In India
After irrigation and dairy-farming, will the next great Israeli-inspired agricultural revolution be in pesticides? Israeli company Bio-Bee, which fights pests with other insects thinks so, as it launches operations in India.
June 13, 2013

AutoTalks Will Put Car To Car Communication On The Road By 2015
Human error is still the primary cause of traffic accidents. Israeli company AutoTalks is therefore enabling cars to "talk" to each other and warn drivers of potential accidents. The company envisions that by 2015 the first cars manufactured with these talking chipsets will be on the market.
June 13, 2013

Multi-Faith Partnership Strives To Improve Health Of Palestinian Children
If there's a field where objective considerations outweigh political ones – it's medicine. Now, a multinational, multi-faith project aims to bring better medicine to Palestinian kids.
June 13, 2013

Researcher Uses Bursts Of Electricity To Battle Alzheimer’s
As more information is gathered on Alzheimer's disease, it is now accepted that a protein called amyloid-beta has a key role in the disease's progression. New research done in Tel Aviv uses electricity to balance the protein's levels in the brain.
June 12, 2013

For Every Bottle Sold ‘1 Mighty Mogul’ Will Donate Fresh Water In An Edible Pouch
An Israeli couple is hoping to address water scarcity in the world by sell their high pH water, and for every bottle sold, one will be donated to someone in need, packaged in a pouch that is itself edible and biodegeradable.
June 12, 2013

After Waze – Who’s Next? Six Israeli Companies To Watch
Google is reportedly buying Israeli social GPS startup Waze for a whopping $1.3 billion. It is not the first Israeli startup to be sold for big bucks, nor will it be the last – here are six companies that might be next.
June 11, 2013

Israeli Water Purification Tech To Clean British Water
Using bubbles of oxygen as a means of purifying wastewater is a technique that's been around for almost a century. Israeli company Mapal's novel method makes smarter use of the technology and is now being implemented in the UK.
June 10, 2013

200 Year Old Mystery Solved: Why Do Corals Pulsate?
The Eilat coral reef is a beautiful stretch of natural corals, decorating the bottom of the red sea. Some corals, called Heteroxenia, move in a pulsating motion – a phenomenon that puzzled researchers for 200 years. Recently, Israeli researchers have solved the mystery.
June 09, 2013

Research: Small Quantities Of Marijuana Protect Against Brain Damage
Researchers from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University found that a very low dose of the active ingredient in marijuana (THC) may protect brain cells before and after brain injury, and can also protect against the development of cardiac damage.
June 08, 2013

Israeli Special Needs Workers Are Lynchpin In New Recycling Facility
Taking apart delicate computer parts is a necessary task that has not been automated. A new recycling plant gives people from the special needs population in Israel a job in taking these components apart – helping both them and the environment.
June 06, 2013

Danny Chamovitz, Plant Bioscientist, On The Wonders Of Plants
When visiting Israel before going to University, Danny Chamovitz had a revelation. Instead of becoming a doctor, he decided to direct his efforts towards using plant sciences to solve world hunger.
June 05, 2013

OrCam Will Help The Visually Impaired Read Anywhere
For many people, the simple task of reading a street sign or a restaurant menu is impossible due to visual impairment. Israeli startup OrCam is using sophisticated artificial intelligence to give these people a solution.
June 05, 2013

Sure Erasure Will Erase Data Without A Trace
When it comes to sensitive data, most companies would rather destroy and not recycle old hard drives, since even deleted data can be recovered. Israeli startup Sure Erasure can make sure the data is gone for good.
June 04, 2013

Researchers Find Reason For Infertility In Cancer Patients And Discover Remedy
Researchers at the Center for Fertility Preservation of the Sheba Medical Center in Israel have recently discovered the reason behind high rates of infertility in female cancer patients and have already begun testing a possible treatment.
June 03, 2013