Peer Pressure Can Change Your Memories, Study Shows
False memories planted in your brain because of peer pressure are so strong that they could fool a lie detector, according to new Israeli research. Scientists from the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot have conducted experiments showing how easy it is to plant false memories - using social pressure.
July 23, 2011

One Remote To Rule Them All
Israeli start-up intoatv aims to rid you of all the different remotes and devices in your living room by giving you a home entertainment system which gathers all the different media sources, such as T.V., VOD, online video sources, Blu-Ray, DVD and media stored on PC's, into one interface.
July 20, 2011

New System Tells You How Much Electricity Every Plug In Your House Is Using
Do you know how much electricity each device in your house is using? Panoramic Power, an Israeli company, has invented a mechanism it says can measure each electric plug and appliance to help reduce electricity bills.
July 19, 2011

Israeli Researchers Identify Protein That May Slow Down Pancreatic Cancer
Israeli researchers have discovered a protein that seems to prevent the growth of pancreatic cancer. The protein could potentially be effective against other aggressive cancers as well.
July 18, 2011

Israeli Musician/Acrobat To Change The Face Of Live Music?
An Israeli musician and circus acrobat is trying to recreate the live concert by incorporating visual art into the music and showing the stories behind the music. According to Yuval Oz, music should not only be listened to, but also seen and felt.
July 18, 2011

Sports Help Lower Child Aggression, Study Reveals
Not only do sports help children's physical health; sports participation also improves their emotional, behavioral and cognitive wellbeing, researchers from Tel Aviv University, Israel reported after studying 649 children from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
July 17, 2011

Phone App To Pimp Your Video Clip
Pimp My Clip, a new iPhone app from the Israeli software company Baboonix, is the first video enhancement app available in the Apple’s AppStore that offers a friendly editing platform for smartphones. The app offers many graphics and sounds to enrich videos that were taken on-the-go.
July 16, 2011

How to Turn Feng-Shui Principles Into Web Design Science
If you thought that feng-shui was all about miniature water fountains and small sand gardens, prepare for the web 2.0 version. It is now possible to design a website in a way that will provide better “energy flow,” in this case by automatically analyzing people’s attention when viewing a website for the first time.
July 13, 2011

Vultures Gossip About Location Of Food, Study Shows
Have you ever visited a great restaurant and then told all your friends about it? You are not alone. A new study in Israel discovered that vultures are "gossiping" about food and communicate information about worthy eating locations.
July 13, 2011

Google+ Or Facebook? “Both!” Says New Israeli Application
New social network Google+ was launched a week ago with a great buzz. But many are reluctant to join yet another social network. To make the transition easier, Crossrider has released Google+Facebook, a browser extension that combines your old Facebook profile with your new Google+ one.
July 11, 2011

‘National Trauma’ Can Affect Israelis From All Walks Of Life, Says Organization
"National Trauma," a term coined by NATAL, Istael's Trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War (NATAL), is meant to exemplify the fact that trauma affects people from all walks of life who have know the Arab/Israeli conflict. To help trauma victims, NATAL has had to innovate trauma care.
July 10, 2011

This Article Will Self-Destruct In 8 Minutes
A new Israeli startup called 8minutes is trying to take the democratization of news one step further. The online service allows users to post news items on the site, but it is only those items that are worthy enough of user comments that will stay on the site for longer than 8 minutes.
July 09, 2011

How Many People Wrote The Bible? Israeli Software Aims To Answer Question
Software developed by an Israeli team is giving intriguing new hints about what researchers believe to be the multiple hands that wrote the Bible. The new software analyzes style and word choices to distinguish parts of a single text written by different authors.
July 06, 2011

Kindergarten Science: Israeli Startup Helps You Find Best Match For Your Child
Long journeys around the block, endless conversations with neighbors and friends, comparing information and prices; the search for the perfect kindergarten for our tiny loved ones can often be rather unbearable. Infogan, a new internet-based platform, is designed to ease the search process.
July 05, 2011

Coffee Shops Across Israel Turning Into Eco-friendly Book Shops
A network of second-hand bookshops is springing up all over Israel, but not where you’d expect. Israelis no longer have to visit librarians to find cheap copies of great books. Instead, they can just pop into one of their favorite cafes.
July 03, 2011