Will Israel’s ‘Playcast’ Revolutionize Video Game Industry?
Leading the way towards a significant shift in the gaming industry is Israeli company Playcast. The company's technology enables cable and satellite television companies to offer the latest video games without the need to buy an expensive console or the games themselves.
May 21, 2012

Israel’s Secret Project: Super-Battery To Reduce World’s Oil Thirst
A NIS 45 million budget for the next four years, four Israeli universities, 100 researchers and 12 teams: this is all part of a national mission is to reduce the world’s dependency on oil by developing a super-battery that can last for over a decade.
May 20, 2012

Dreaming To Lose Weight? Sleep Could Be The Answer!
Fed up with diets and exercise? According to a new study, the best way to stay slim is to sleep. Researchers found that a protein called SIRT1 is the missing link between metabolism and the circadian clock, which regulates our sleep-wake cycle, and could be a factor in metabolic disorders such as obesity and type-2 diabetes.
May 19, 2012

Israel And US Combine Efforts To Improve Pediatric Health
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center launch a joint project to develop medical devices designed specifically for children. According to the FDA, the development of pediatric devices lags years behind the development of adult devices.
May 16, 2012

New JPEGmini Puts Your Photos On A Diet
ICVT, the creators of the JPEGmini and VIDEOmini media optimization technologies, today announced the release of JPEGmini for Mac, a Mac app which frees up hard drive space by reducing photo file size without affecting quality.
May 15, 2012

Study: Smartphone Users More Oblivious To Others
Reseachers from Tel Aviv University found that smartphones users have a different sense of privacy and appropriateness of public cellphone usage. The study shows that people who are predisposed to immediately react to phone calls and messages are more attracted to smartphones.
May 15, 2012

New Minimally Invasive System For Spinal Correction
ApiFix is an Israeli company that offers a new method for spinal correction among adolescents who suffer from curvature of the spine - known as Scoliosis. According to the company, their system is minimally invasive and allows the body to adjust to changes.
May 14, 2012

Face.com Releases KLIK 1.0: Mobile Face Recognition Software
Face.com, the leader in online face recognition technology, yesterday released the production version of their iPhone camera app, KLIK 1.0. KLIK uses real-time mobile face recognition to automatically detect faces, and even identify friends in photos allowing users to easily tag and share photos of their friends.
May 11, 2012

Israelis Launch Striking Instagram Campaign Against Violence
An Israeli Instagram user decided to launch a photo-campaign against violence, following several violent events in Israel. Within less than 24 hours his outcry went viral, attracting hundreds of Instagram users, who submitted striking images worthy of art shows. Click to view the images.
May 11, 2012

HelioFocus Demonstrates Solar-Thermal System
Israe- based HelioFocus opened the demonstration phase of its HelioBooster system, a solar-thermal process that aims to back up existing power plants. The company's technology uses solar energy to heat air, which is then converted to steam and can drive a power plant turbine.
May 09, 2012

New Automatic Pig System To Seal Pipe Leaks
Israeli company Curapipe Systems develops a solution for water pipe leakages, without needing to replace the pipeline or digging up streets. Leaks are sealed by injecting special viscous substances into water mains.
May 09, 2012

New Anti-Bacterial Packaging To Prolong Pepsi’s Shelf-Life
Oplon Pure Science in Rehovot, Israel, has developed a new technology against the development of germs and bacteria in food products. The company recently signed an $8 million agreement with PepsiCo Corporation.
May 08, 2012

Study: Geological Clock Ticks Faster Than We Thought
According to a new study from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Earth took shape more rapidly than once believed. The new findings do not alter the age of the universe but indicate that the Earth's mantel and crust and rocks formed in a shorter period than originally thought.
May 05, 2012

Israeli Hospitals Employ Full-Time Doctors, Nurses And… Clowns?
Dream Doctors is an Israel project that builds a professional community of medical clowns to make hospital experience less traumatic for patients. Required to have academic training, these doctors are active in 20 hospitals across the country, reaching more than 100,000 patients annually.
May 03, 2012

New Game Turns Your iPad Into A Piano
A new game for iPads will help you learn to read sheet music and play the piano, by helping a virtual granny dust off her piano from germs. The game doesn’t require a real piano and comes with a 3D virtual keyboard.
May 02, 2012