Paralympic Swimmer To Rep RightHear, An Israeli Accessibility App For The Visually Impaired
Australian Paralympian Matthew Levy will help raise awareness for RightHear's audible wayfinding technology, and advocate for the visually impaired community.
July 29, 2021
Canadian Mission In Israel To Tap Into Innovative Israeli Models Of Accessibility
The delegation includes leaders and representatives from disability-serving organizations across Canada.
February 12, 2019
Mom Of Disabled Son Creates Harness That Allows Him And Other Children To Walk For The First Time
An Israeli mother's invention that gave her wheelchair-bound son the chance to walk has been launched onto the worldwide market. Debby Elnatan's idea for a walking harness could transform the lives of countless children.
March 30, 2014
Robots Back Breakthrough Surgery
Many patients scheduled for a major spinal operation naturally worry that they might find themselves in a wheelchair due to a surgical error, or simple bad luck. While this happens only rarely, it is a possibility. SpineAssist – an Israeli invention – is revolutionizing delicate spinal surgery.
March 20, 2011